Meet Khushi

My name is Khushi (which means Happiness) and am 18 years old. I was born in Norway but moved to London with my Mum when I was 4. I am the Editor of my Award-Winning blog.

My passions are travelling, make-up and fashion, cooking, dancing and singing, shopping and eating and of course watching movies and listening to music.


For the last few years, I have been reviewing products for teens, everything from books, gadgets, make-up, fashion and food, meals, amusement parks and more.

So if you have products that are aimed for 16+ and would like me to review them, feel free to get in touch at


  1. Miss Patel says:

    This is an amazing blog! What a wonderful job you have done with this Happiness.
    I will be reading these regularly. Keep up the fantastic job!

    1. Thank you Miss Patel 🙂

  2. Dr. S.S. Kapoor says:

    My dear Khushi, it is wonderful, you have done a very astounding job. Keep it up. You work is worth millions and is as sweet as you are.

    1. Thank you Dr. Kapoor 🙂

  3. Khushi These Are Great!

  4. This looks like a wonderful blog. I love your pictures Khushi!

  5. […] Baby being the Youngest ever Youth Ambassador for The Eve Appeal – Gynaecological Cancer […]

  6. Dear Khushi,

    You have done an outstanding job!

    I work with Sikh Channel and we would love for you to be a guest on our show! We want to talk about your Bronze Award and yourself!
    If this is something you would be interested in, please email me!

    Wish you all the best!

    1. khushikkaur says:

      Hi Gurleen,

      Hope you are well and I am sorry for the late reply! If you are still interested, I would love to be a guest on your show and talk about myself and my work! If you read this, please email me at and I hope to hear from you! Khushi

  7. Hi there

    My name is Amrit Matharu, I’m a producer at BBC Asian Network and I’ve been in touch with Kiran (Khushi’s mum) before.

    Since we last spoke I am now part of a new award winning late night discussion show for BBC Asian Network.

    Next Wednesday night on 12th December we are discussing internet fame and in particularly how children wish to become online stars from a young age.

    I think Khushi’s journey into the limelight is very interesting and one that would really excite the listeners. We’d love to hear from both Kiran and Khushi about her journey and aspirations.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

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